Thursday, January 25, 2007


I've been trying so hard to keep things back on track since I got back to Singapore.. but somehow, everything's awfully wrong...well..the theory always goes that if everyone is driving you crazy...chances are there's probably something very wrong with you... are a just don't fit into the society..
every single person around you is telling you that you are WRONG!
it's not about strangers on the streets laughing at you...
it's about the ones that are closest to you ..not directly...but indirectly that you are wrong...
hearing so so much of that that you just do not feel like talking to them anymore...
people who tries to be of concern to you...but who actually hurts you more deeply than ever...
man...the day that i become a mute is the day that i have given up on talking...
the day that i am able to maintain my cool is probably the day when everybody is just but a nobody on the street...


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